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I don't think this is a unique problem (it can't be).
I have a home wireless network with a wired XP Home machine and 1 wireless XP pro laptop. The Wired XP is the host for a shared HP Photosmart 7350 printer. The wireless laptop accesses the printer without any problems. Then I got an Asus G50v laptop running Vista 64 home and added it wireless to the network. In the network Vista sees the printer on the host. However when I initially tried to add the printer it said it needed drivers. After reading the Tutorials on this forum and HP and various other sources, I finally got Vista to add a printer using the alternative driver. It shows up in the Printers folder, says it's ready, but it still won't print. I'm at a loss here. Do I need to do something to the host?
The printer is a HP Photosmart 7350 and the driver from HP is for a HP 5550
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
How did you add the network printer to the Windows Vista 64-bit laptop? With the 'Add a new printer' wizard? Double clicking on the printer in the Network Browse or something else?
Used the Add Printer wizard and as a Local printer. Then I chose the 5550 driver from the drop down and changed the port to DOT4.
It put it in the folder but it's still not working
Ok, then I would recommend trying to add it as a network printer and then select the HP 5550 driver from there.
Windows 7 home premium recovery disc. Feb 20, 2013 if you bought a laptop that came with Windows 7 Home Premium OEM and you would like to reinstall Windows 7 but have not way of doing so, you can use a retail disc, whether it be a full or upgrade version Windows 7 Home Premium disc. Download the corresponding edition of Windows 7 you have a license for from the following link. Aug 27, 2013 hello, i have wndows 7 home premium and has become infected in some way by a virus or something loosing lots of files. I have the product code but am a liitle baffled how to download and reinstall.this purchase does not come up on my microsoft account as it.
hmmm--I did what you said and fiddled with a couple of settings...changed port to DOT4 like the one thats on the XP (host) and inserted the location.
Also Vista gave me different drivers to choose from so I went with the one that looked right 5550PS. Which is for a LaserJet so I choose the 5550(HPA) from the drop down in Properties. Well on the plus side I no longer get the error an goes back to ready with 0 documents. However It still doesn't print. So now I'm wondering where it's going.
I really appreciate your help
For network printers you shouldn't need to change port settings, if you have the right driver and network location the network printer connection should just work.
Also it seems from reading that you need to use the Deskjet 5550 driver not the LaserJet one.
Yeah I saw that so I changed to the other driver(5550HPA). Ok then on the port I'll go back to LPT1
Thanks again
First off I would like to thank Justin for trying to help me. I'm not very good with this stuff. Anyway I went to this site and found a tutorial[11]=Hardware%20and%20Drivers
After reading it 3 times I finally got my printer working
(doing happy dance now)
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