Toshiba Windows 7 Software Recovery
How to restore your Toshiba computer/tablet to its factory fresh software condition using system recovery
I have been using a Toshiba laptop from mid 2007. I don't have a recovery disc supplied with the purchase of this laptop. Instead, Toshiba has added a hidden partion on the hard drive which contains the same files on a recovery CD/ DVD. To reinstall your laptop to the factory settings/'out of the box' settings, please follow these steps. Toshiba windows 7 recovery free download - 7-Zip, Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba, PDF Reader for Windows 7, and many more programs.
- Document ID: 98082971
- Posted Date: 2010-08-19
- Last Updated: 2012-12-07
- Distribution: View Public Website
Many Toshiba computers/tablets come with the factory software recovery image stored in a special (hidden) area on the hard disk. From this special hidden system recovery image, you can restore your computer to its factory-fresh software condition by following these steps:
- Make sure the device is turned off ('Shut-down' from the Windows Start menu)
- Remove any peripherals such an external mouse, keyboard, monitor, USB flash drive etc.
- Make sure the AC Adapter is plugged in and working.
- Press and hold down the 0 (zero) key on the keyboard while powering on the computer/tablet. Release it when the recovery warning screen appears.
- If the recovery process offers a choice of Operating Systems, select the appropriate one for you.
- A warning screen appears, stating that when the recovery is executed all data will be deleted and rewritten.
- Click Yes to continue.
- When the Toshiba Recovery Wizard opens select 'Recovery of Factory Software' or the appropriate option for your needs.
- Continue to follow the directions restarting as necessary.
For devices equipped with Windows 8, 'Reset' returns your device to its out-of-box, factory default conditions (removes your personal files and apps as well reset all settings to defaults) similar to a “System Recovery.” Refer to the How To: Understanding System Restore, Refresh, Reset, and, Recovery options in Windows 8 + Video knowledge base article for complete information.
Please note that the process may vary slightly from machine to machine, that you may be asked to insert disks (multi-disk packages) and that the process may take one to two hours to complete. The recovery process will restart your computer several times.
As you use the recovery process you will have several options. One of these may be to create a custom size partition. Follow the directions on screen for this and other options as prompted. When in doubt, it's usually best to accept the default, or pre-selected option.
If you would like to learn more about how to create your own recovery media Click Here
I'm having problems with a Toshiba Satellite L745 which came preinstalled with Windows 7 (According to the product key label on the bottom Home Premium QA).
Basically it is freezing whenever updates run and sometimes when they don't. System recovery doesn't seem to be helping and I'm hoping to go nuclear and just reinstall windows.
But there's no disk because windows came preinstalled. I've also read online that a lot of times preinstalled windows will have a recovery partition that you can access by holding down Alt+F10 but this doesn't seem to be working. What is my next step?
George MauerGeorge Mauer4 Answers
Here are instructions (found here) for going back to factory fresh software instance for Toshiba laptops:
To restore the original factory software image on your computer follow these steps:
- Make sure the computer is turned off ('Shut-down' from the Windows Start menu)
- Remove any peripherals such an external mouse, keyboard, monitor, USB flash drive etc.
- Make sure the AC Adapter is plugged in and working.
- Press and hold down the 0 (zero) key on the keyboard while powering on the computer.
- Release it when the recovery warning screen appears.
- If the recovery process offers a choice of Operating Systems, select the appropriate one for you.
- A warning screen appears, stating that when the recovery is executed all data will be deleted and rewritten.
- Click Yes to continue.
- When the Toshiba Recovery Wizard opens select 'Recovery of Factory Software' or the appropriate option for your needs.
- Continue to follow the directions restarting as necessary.
Toshiba Windows 7 Download
But there's no disk because windows came preinstalled.
You are expected to make your own recovery discs with the supplied 'Toshiba Recovery Media Creator' utility.
I've also read online that a lot of times preinstalled windows will have a recovery partition that you can access by holding down Alt+F10 but this doesn't seem to be working.
The Toshiba User's Guide says:
While powering on your computer, press the F12 key when the initial TOSHIBA screen displays.
The boot menu appears.
Autodesk autocad 2014 key. Using the arrow keys to scroll down, select the HDD Recovery option, and then press the ENTER key.
A warning screen should appear.
If you type 'yes', then you should get to the Toshiba Recovery Wizard screen.
sawdustsawdustCan you keep pressing F8 while the laptop is booting. Sometimes Toshiba modifies the boot options screen to add a 'repair' option or similar, which then boots from the recovery partition.
just after the computer is turned on start tapping the f8 key. After the toshiba splash screen goes away you will get the window asking if you want to repair windows. select that and there will be options for toshiba recovery or whatnot, if it is available.
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protected by Journeyman Geek♦Dec 7 '17 at 13:57
Toshiba Windows 7 Recovery Tool
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