Maya 2018 Uv Mapping


Join George Maestri for an in-depth discussion in this video, UV mapping complex objects, part of Maya 2018 Essential Training.

- [Instructor] Now let's dive a little bit deeper…into UV mapping.…Now, in this lesson, we're going to show you…how to map a complex object to a single image.…Now typically, when you work with objects in Maya,…you'll want to UV map one object to one texture.…So in this case, we have this receiver,…or at least the box of the receiver.…And we want to texture it with this image.…Now this image has all the different textures…that we are going to use on that particular object.…

Maya Uv Mapping Tutorial

Jan 12, 2015  SUPER easy UV mapping in Maya! Easy and fast UV mapping. Maya 2015 (or newer) is the perfect place for a beginner to start UV mapping – the new tools here make it practically automatic. Want to see more about UV mapping, seam placement, and how it used to be done? See my other UV mapping in Maya post! If nothing else, you’ll get a good. Jan 05, 2018  In this tutorial we will be looking at my UV map workflow in Maya 2018. A lot of things have changed in Maya 2018 and I have been requested many times to walk through my process in a tutorial.

Learn how to map complex objects in Maya's UV editor. In this video, George shows some tips and techniques for mapping multiple surfaces to a single image map. He demonstrates how to align multiple UV shells to get the most efficient mapping. Sep 29, 2013  update 1/12/2015: check out the new, easier UV mapping tutorial. Maya UV unwrapping tutorial? What about PTEX? First things first, do we even have to UV? Mudbox’s PTex claims to offer a solution that does away with UVs. Wow, that would be great news! Of course, PTex doesn’t work so seamlessly with Maya or other 3D packages yet. Re: Problem in UV mapping Make sure your AMD card is up to date, 8 gb of ram is kind of low, Maya needs a lot to run properly, just make sure you work in a Maya. Ma file and not. Mb file and use incremental save just in case. Known as the most tedious task in 3D, especially for beginners, UV mapping is also the glue that binds models, bakes and textures together. It's a crucial task, too, as a bad set of UVs and their resulting output can make even the best 3D models look awful.

And we need to unfold the object so that it matches this.…Now, in production, it usually makes sense…to have one texture per object.…You don't want multiple images and textures…going to one object because it gets kind of messy.…So let's show you how to map this to this one texture.…So first thing you want to do is apply the textures.…So I'm going to just do a simple blend material.…Let's go into the attribute editor,…and under color, click on the checkerboard,…select file, open the file, and we have an image…out here called stereo_UV.jpg.…

And when we apply that map, well it's not right.…

Planar mapping projects UVs onto a mesh through a plane. This projection is best for objects that are relatively flat, or at least are completely visible from one camera angle.

Planar mapping typically gives overlapping UV shells. The UV shells may be perfectly superimposed and look like a single UV shell. You should use UV > Layout after mapping to separate overlapping UVs.

Maya Uv Tutorial

To map based on a planar projection

  1. Select the faces you want to project UVs onto.
  2. Select UV > Planar > (if you need to set options), or in the UV Editor's UV Toolkit go to Create > Planar.
    Set the following options as required:
    • Click Best Plane to position the manipulator based on the faces you selected.
    • Click Bounding Box to position the manipulator based on the bounding box of the mesh.
    • Choose the axis from which UVs will be projected.
  3. Click Project.
  4. Use the projection manipulator to control how the plane distributes UVs.
  5. Use the UV Editor to view and edit the resulting UVs.

    You can also rotate the manipulator by clicking the red crossed lines, which reveals the Show Manipulator tool. Click the light blue circle around the Show Manipulator handle to activate the rotate handles.

Mapping to alternative planes

The Best Plane Texturing Tool assigns UVs to the faces you select based on a plane computed from vertices you specify, rather than a default axis plane.

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You can select the faces you want to map before you choose the Best Plane Texturing tool, or you can choose the tool and then click each face you want to map.

To map based on the best fit plane of the selection

  1. Select the faces you want to map UVs onto.
  2. Select UV > Best Plane Texturing Tool (if you need to set options), or in the UV Editor's UV Toolkit go to Create > Best Plane.
  3. If faces are not selected yet, click faces to add them to the selection. You cannot marquee-select the faces—you must select the faces one by one, or select the faces before using the operation.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Select one or more vertices (right-click on the mesh and choose Vertex to switch to selecting vertices) to define the plane of projection.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. Use the UV Editor to view and edit the resulting UVs.

To project from a plane defined by the view How to run microsoft malicious software removal tool windows 8.

  1. Select the faces you want to project UVs onto.
  2. Tumble the perspective view, or track an orthographic view to look at the faces.
  3. Select UV > Camera-Based (if you need to set options), or in the UV Editor's UV Toolkit go to Create > Camera-Based.


Uv Mapping Software

  • Planar mapping can create shared, overlapping UVs that can look like texture borders. Turn on texture border display (in Display > Polygons > Texture Border Edges) to clearly show texture borders.
  • Shared, overlapping UVs can create seam problems if you paint over them with the 3D Paint or Paint Fur Attributes Tools.

    To avoid these problems, manually separate the UVs with UV > Layout > . Set Separate shells to Folds and the Shell layout option to Along U or Into Square.

  • Projection mapping only works properly on a single object at a time. If you need to apply a projection to multiple polygonal objects in a single step, combine the objects into one, apply the projection, and then separate the parts back out. Otherwise, perform a projection on each object separately.
  • When a model’s form is very organic, and you require a complete UV representation of that model for texture mapping, a planar projection can produce UVs that overlap and appear distorted. You will probably need to unfold the UVs to make them usable.

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