Autoit Download File


All we need to do is to use the script in Selenium which is generated with the help of AutoIt tool. Steps to Download AutoIt v3. 1) Go to AutoIt website and navigate to download page. It will display the latest version. The top most download is for AutoIt, click on it. Download File Using AutoIT In Selenium WebDriver Selenium can not handle file downloading because browsers use native dialogs for downloading files. Sometime we need to download file from AUT(Application Under Test). There are several ways to automate download file in Selenium but here we see download file using AutoIT in Selenium WebDriver. Downloading file using selenium webdriver Is also tricky task. I have already described how to handle file download functionality In selenium webdriver by creating custom firefox profile In THIS POST.It Is really very long task. At place of using custom profile approach, We can use AutoIt script with selenium webdriver to download file from any web page. AutoIt is a programming language platform to create scripts to automatic Windows tasks as you need them. Instead of using a macro package records your specific actions, it is possible pro grammatically design the exact sequence that most suits your needs.

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  1. Autoit Download File
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Here you can download AutoIt and related files. The AutoIt installer and executables have been digitally signed by AutoIt Consulting Ltd. If you get a Microsoft SmartScreen warning after downloading the installer please see the SmartScreen and AutoIt page for more details. This video will guide how to Download Files in Selenium Webdriver Using AutoIT Part 1. We will using INETGET command to download file using AutoIT.

Active2 years, 6 months ago

So I'm trying to setup a script that executes a file that is downloaded from a URL.

At the moment, I have this code, which will just launch default browser, then access the URL typed into an input box (which then results in the download starting).

The file is currently being downloaded to the current logged in users 'Downloads' directory (Windows Box).

What would be a 'robust' solution for executing the downloaded file?

The filename changes often.. would there be a way to rename the downloaded file?

Or maybe ensure I have a 'clean' Downloads directory first, then have autoit automatically execute whatever file is in the directory after running the script?


closed as too broad by Dijkgraaf, user5906918, P.J.Meisch, Mong Zhu, EdChumJun 13 '17 at 7:44

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1 Answer

Autoit Download File

  1. You should always clean up your original download files. Leaving wasted space isn't fare to the end user.
  2. You haven't really given us much to go on. GUICtrlRead simply means you're reading a control (I assume an Input box). And if that's the URL, then I would suggest using InetGet() to download the file to a specific place, then use Run or ShellExecute to run the file (if that's the kind of file that needs to be run that way).

So it might look this way:

Clay Nichols
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Autoit Download File

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